Everyone has Unique Selling Points. Something Remarkable…

Everyone has Unique Selling Points. Something Remarkable…

Creating a list of unique selling points is important to help you stand out as an employee, an interviewee, a company

What makes me stand out from any other female, middle-age voice talent?

It’s taken me years to know why and how I was in any way different from another. Standing out in a crowd of other voice talent, voice actors, and radio announcers is no easy task. In digging deep and truly thinking about what I uniquely offer, I came up with a list of a dozen points that I can confidently state as my Unique Selling Points.

I support anyone in creating a list for themselves, whether for business or personal. We all have something unique to give and forget that too easily… While it can feel a little uncomfortable and egotistical, the truth is that our gifts are meant to be shared. As Marianne Williamson says,

“There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine…And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.”

There’s a good chance other talent and freelancers can match these points. That’s okay! Shine on…


1.       I am a seasoned pro with 10 years owning my business, 20 years in performance, and 30 years in customer service.

2.       My instinct for what a script needs is excellent. I voice work as you imagined it. If I don’t think I’m the appropriate voice for your script, I’ll tell you upfront.

3.       I am a low-maintenance contractor. Provide the script, I’ll turn it around quickly and expertly. Don’t need to explain much! I’ve worked on 10,000+ scripts. No hand holding required.

4.       But, I also work very well with direction. Explain your needs, perhaps provide an example, and I will give you exactly what you are looking for, delivering above expectations.

5.       I can turn around work in as little as one day or even one hour keeping your workflow efficient.

6.       My ability to improve grammar, when necessary, is impeccable.

7.       I am perceptive and discerning, able to quickly find issues within scripts and solve them without much, if any, back and forth.

8.       I can capably shorten a wordy script in a matter of moments, if requested.

9.       My ability to source unusual pronunciations and reiterate them perfectly is remarkable.

10.   My rates are super reasonable and a fraction of what you would pay when going through intermediaries.

11.   I am swift. Email a script. I’ll provide immediate quote and ETA.

12.   I am one of the most reliable people you’ll ever meet.


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