Authentic Growth: Filling my Cup and Finding my Voice

Authentic Growth: Filling my Cup and Finding my Voice

Warning: this is personal.

A recent trip

I spent a long weekend at a retreat at Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York. I experienced some of the Western world’s foremost devotional singers, Deva Premal & Miten, Krishna Das, and Jai Uttal, and others such as Nawang Khechog, C.C. White, Fanna-Fi-Allah Sufi Qawwali, and The Hanumen. And, while you may or may not have heard of them before, imagine a hippy-love-fest kinda’ vibe.

Why I went

I felt compelled to attend this four-day music and love fest both because it was called “the Yoga of Voice”, two things I am attracted to – Yoga and Voice… and because I listen to Deva Premal’s music daily.

What I learned

This weekend of devotional music opened my mind and heart to many things about myself. I was able to find my inner meter – something that has been lost in the hurry of daily life. I was able to find peace in regards to life questions I have grappled with for decades. And, I was able to find my voice, that is, my singing voice…something that I believed to be lost.

Why I’m sharing this

I’d have been remiss in not sharing a bit of my experience with you. I could write about many subjects around the topic of voiceovers and being a voice actor, but what I know for sure is the importance of hearing our inner voice and trusting what it says…and, therefore, a peak into my experience that will resonate through my personal life and my business.

How it relates to my business

In rediscovering my singing voice, I found a greater confidence in myself and my sound that will serve me well as a voice actor. I found a truth about who I am in this world to better serve my family, my clients, my friends, and the world at large. And, I found a focus that will allow me to fly with intensity within my business and career as a voice actor, allowing extraneous noise and activity to fall away.

What’s in it for you

I highly recommend seeking out a space that will allow for solitude and inspire you to listen to the whisperings of your heart that will lead you to living a life with passion, the one you are meant to live. (If you are able to tap into your inner voice, you may find that it was less like whispering and more like shouting.)

Bonus gift

And, beyond learning that music and singing is a path I can no longer deny, I learned how to stop looking to everyone else, including Starbucks, to fill my cup, and how to fill my own. I am forever grateful.


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  1. Rebecca Weiss

    I love that you gave this precious gift to yourself, Natasha!!! I listen to Deva every day and she is the sound track to all my classes! What a profoundly wonderful and personal experience! Thank you for sharing these words with us! 🙏

    • admin

      Would have loved for you to experience that incredible weekend, too!! XO


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