Delivering voice overs and an 11lb baby – at the same time

Delivering voice overs and an 11lb baby – at the same time

Delivering voice overs and an 11lb baby

Lemme tell you a personal story about gratitude, generosity, and the long game…

One of my clients is incredibly loyal to me and I am to him.  While we really don’t KNOW each other, I’ve provided him liners weekly for 12+ years, so I’d like to say we’ve grown into this loyalty. However, I planted the seed a long time ago, knowingly and unknowingly.

On December 5th, 2007, I delivered an ELEVEN-pound baby. Though in the hospital for several days afterward, I was receiving email on my phone and saw that my client needed a recording. Having only started my business that year, I strived to please everyone. So, I let him know that while I was currently in the hospital having a baby, I could provide him his files within a day or two. And yes, I came home from the hospital (sitting painfully!) and recorded. Yes, I’m a little crazy, but it really didn’t take much to help him out.

What is so amazing to me is that my client NEVER forgot that I delivered his files just after delivering a baby.

Delivering voice overs and building relationships

625+ weeks of liners later, the circle of generosity and gratitude has created a loyalty and trust between us that is remarkable and rewarding. He is grateful. I am grateful. We trust each other for the long game.  A rare gift.

When I come across others with that same giving spirit, my faith is restored in humanity. I work with some of these people and truly, I am grateful.

Both going the extra mile and acknowledging that in others is so important when building relationships and a career…

There’s always room for generosity and gratitude – pillars in business.

Adapted from Newsletter article, December 2016.

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  1. Joshua Alexander

    Beautiful! And what a soldier! Nice work, Natascha…though after hearing your work and seeing your work ethic, I’m not surprised. 🙂

    • admin

      🙂 Thanks, Joshua!


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