7 Tips for Writing a Professional Bio

7 Tips for Writing a Professional Bio

Resume, Bio, all about you!

Out of high-school, I was obsessed with writing my resume…making it look and read not only professionally, but also making it stand-out. I would copy it on bright blue paper, or add anything I could to make it shine. I think I probably spent more time finessing my resume, than looking for jobs.

None of that has really changed for me. And, it’s a good thing. (Although I do spend more time cultivating jobs than I do working on my resume, thankfully.) Working in a gig-economy as a freelancer requires looking for several jobs, every single day! So, having the resume in tip top shape, that is, your Bio, work experience, services, testimonials, client list… all those things that used to fit on a one-page resume, must now be elaborated upon, streamlined, and optimized…constantly. So to answer my own question, yes…you need a Bio.

Whether on your business’ website, your company’s About page, or on LinkedIn, it’s super-important to be up-to-date.

As a creative freelancer, a Bio (Biography) is a short and compelling story-like resume about who you are and what you’ve done… The more remarkable, the more interesting, the more engaging, the better…

So, where should you start? Here are some pointers:

  1. Think about who you are talking to and where it is published. Change it accordingly.
  2. Include WHO you are, not just what you’ve done.
  3. Be professionally casual in your language.
  4. Write in the third person. (The articles below explain why.)
  5. Keep it brief. Edit, edit, and edit again.
  6. Change it up on a regular basis, keeping it from going stale.
  7. Pay to have it optimized, if necessary.

Here’s what others say:

  1. 4 Stress-Free Tips for Writing Your Own Bio via @TheMuse
  2. The Professional Bio Template That Makes Everyone Sound Accomplished via @forbes
  3. 10 Tips on How to Write a Personal Biography – BrandYourself.com
  4. How to Write an Actor Bio via @BackStage

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1 Comment

  1. Linda Daley

    Most excellent checklist!


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