9 reasons why even experienced voice actors need coaching

9 reasons why even experienced voice actors need coaching

Even naturally talented and seasoned voice actors need a great voice-over coach

Voice actors are wonderfully creative, naturally talented, and charismatic. Many are highly business minded, too. However, natural talent will only take you so far. A worthy coach will take someone to the next level in any game.

It took me a long time to give myself the gift of top-notch, L.A. based voice-over coaches. I’m really not sure what took me so long, except that I was able to skate along with everything in my performance toolkit for many years.

My college education and singing performance experience took me a great distance in my business. Yet, there is no doubt that I could have used voice-over workshops, workouts, and coaching along the way.  A beginner always needs education. (Please don’t start a VO business without it.) But, even naturally talented people and seasoned professionals alike can benefit greatly from astute coaches.

Here’s my list of why…

Why voice talent always need a good coach:

  • …strengthen weaknesses
  • …realize strengths
  • …get out of one’s head (all that subjective self-talk) and find some objectivity
  • …build vocal range 
  • …find out where one stands creatively and professionally by receiving realistic feedback
  • …practice great scripts offered by worthy coaches
  • …learn new skills and add more tools to one’s creative toolbox
  • …understand the marketplace, and potentially the competition, more deeply
  • …learn about current industry trends in voice-over delivery

Why I finally invested in top-notch voice-over coaches

My University degree in Radio & TV from Ryerson, life as a singer in Toronto, Vancouver, and New York, and my brief time in radio all contributed to my ability to pull off diverse voice-over scripts. However, the time I’ve taken over the past three years to train with amazing coaches has been the best thing I’ve ever done for my business. (That, and buying a StudioBricks booth!)

And, while my time in the L.A. area has been a treasure trove of education, know that you can receive all that goodness in the comfort of your own home. Almost every coach does sessions by Skype. I can attest to the fact that they are as good as any in-person session. The connection created over the phone (lose the video) is extraordinary.

VO pros and voice-over enthusiasts alike, do yourself a favor and find a good coach; one that is honest and has integrity. And, ask other talent who they recommend. I’m a huge fan of Mary Lynn Wissner, Larry Hudson, and Marc Cashman. Another outstanding resource for coaches and much, much more, is The Voiceover Collective. Good luck and keep moving forward!



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