My First Post as a Voiceover Blogger

My First Post as a Voiceover Blogger

And now… a Voiceover Blogger.

I have struggled with the idea of starting a blog for a long time.  Bombarding people with yet another email or blog post has not sat well with me.  However, I have come to realize that now is a time when having a blog is essential in business, as a tool to demonstrate professionalism in one’s field. So, here I start as voiceover blogger.

Over the past couple of months I have been writing steadily, in hopes of finding “my voice”.  It seems ironic that as a Voice Talent, I need to find “my voice”. Yet, it is so important to me that my writing resonate for some. In broadcasting school, we learned that television was meant to be educational, entertaining, and enlightening. We can all attest to the fact that it can be none of those things, I do not want my blog to find the same fate.

After many years with my own business, while raising two young kids, and moving countries and studios, I have a vast repertoire of experience. I am proud of the consistency my voiceover business has offered.

My highest aim in blog writing is to demonstrate my experience, my knowledge, my personal style, and my business acumen with integrity while also being relevant, clever, and possibly even witty!  All those qualities that make something entertaining…

So, my dear reader, I request in earnest, let me entertain you, let me make you smile


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