Why I offer voiceover support in a very competitive industry

Why I offer voiceover support in a very competitive industry

Why do I offer voice over support to others?

Sharing my knowledge and offering voice over help with others in my industry is a passion of mine. Since our jobs as voice actors are isolating on a day-to-day basis, sharing info with each other and supporting one another is paramount for a successful freelance business and for a life of contentment. I’ve had the pleasure of attending several voice over conferences recently, while both presenting various workshops and sitting on expert panels. While I am primarily interested in growing as a voice actor and developing my freelance voice over business for the long term, facilitating workshops and helping others in my industry is my joyful way of giving back.

In the past, my course offerings have provided information with the same intent, to support talent in their journey. To my delightful surprise, UK based voice actor, Kenny Dunkwu, has been following my blog posts for quite awhile and completed one of my past courses (Create an Exhaustive VO To-Do List to Optimize Productivity). He wrote a full post on his experience based on my course, and I thought it would make for a great post here. His takeaways were exactly what I hoped they would be:

“Why undertaking Natasha Marchewka’s ‘Master VO To-Do List’ course can really help your business.” by Kenny Dunkwu

“I had come to the realisation that I needed to have a closer look at how I could provide further clarity of vision for my business and life. Then, whilst doing some internet-based research, I came across Natasha Marchewka, a US based voice talent who happened to be offering a course that reflected my very needs. The aptly named ‘Master VO To-Do-List,’ offers a very structured approach to planning, with a range of practical hints, tips and strategies, whilst organising your business into a series of lists.

For example, one of the very first areas of focus was on ‘what does a freelance voice talent need?’  What I really liked about this was the simplicity in which Natasha breaks down what you need, into easily understandable areas such as the craft, systems, relationship building, content and publicity. Each area has a series of bullet points that you can check through to see what still needs to be done.

Additional Feedback

“As I went through this three-week online course, I personally felt more focused, organised and able to really look at how I effectively used my time, whilst minimising doubt and frustrations related to getting enough done in a day!!! The beauty also of this course are Natasha’s videos, as she eloquently talks through each topic in a very relaxed and calming manner, whilst providing some opportunities for you to add personal comments and feedback for other members.

What you quickly realise is that through the sharing of comments and feedback, it felt more like you were part of a voice over community, rather than an ‘isolated’ voice talent who is continually trying to figure out what you should be doing next within your business. The other benefit of the course was that it felt that she had pitched the course at the right level, primarily at voice talent with experience in the voice over industry and those voice over talent who wanted to take their voice over business to the next level.

“Overall, as a result of doing Natasha’s course, I now have a greater clarity of purpose and understanding of what I need to do in order to fulfill my desired goals and objectives.” ~ Kenny Dunkwu

Grateful for the value he’s found in my voice over help

I am grateful for Kenny’s feedback. But, more importantly, I’m delighted in the value he found. You can find Kenny’s original post and all his demos here: https://www.kennydunkwuvoiceover.com/ (I especially like his Children’s Narration reel and animation demo examples. Very fun!)

In the future, I hope to once again offer my course Master VO To-Do-List.

For more examples of my work as a voice talent, my YouTube page has up-to-date examples of recent client work.

Please let me know if I can ever help YOU in your business, as a brand voice for video, presentations, or even voicemail. Or, if you are a talent in need of voice over help!

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