Using my Voice to Sell my House

Using my Voice to Sell my House

Real Estate Marketing Video to Sell Your House

I had spent a month in all things real estate. While it is my favorite type of script to read, real estate scripts haven’t been my main focus overall, but creating a marketing video to sell my house was top on my mind.

As written previously in my blog, several years ago we put our house up for sale and…it sat…and sat…waiting for its perfect buyer…

In an attempt to use every resource I could think of to have my house sell, I had an aerial and interior video produced, creating the script, adding the voice, and hiring out a video production company that specializes in aerial videos with real estate experience.

I was very happy with the results! 240 Granite Cove Drive, Hubley, NS, B3N 4N9


There is a lot of debate and discussion a to whether real estate videos are worth doing…from the videographers stand point – can they make enough money to make it worth their while, to the agents – can they afford a video as part of their marketing plan, to the realtor companies and home developers – the people who actually have the capital to spend on high-end marketing.

In order to turn around a really professional video, it can be expensive. And, the real estate industry, (not including the very high end industry) does not/cannot afford the cost of a truly professional video. However, high end organizations, like Sotheby’s, talk a lot about utilizing video to their advantage.

John Passerini, VP Interactive Marketing for Sotheby’s International Realty, asserted that video is an absolute necessity for realtors (in 2015). “Consumers are ready to consume video,” Passerini said in a panel on creating video consumers love. “That’s the way they want to experience properties.”


Taking a cue from so many real estate videos I’ve seen, I started working with the script by staying inside the box. I’ve voiced many real estate scripts and thought I had a good handle on what goes into a great script.

Then, I saw THIS amazing, hilarious, ingenious real estate video. Watching this made me realize I wanted to tell a story and led me to a script that I am happy with…granted no comedy, nor cursing, like in my example, but I found phrases that painted a picture.


I am inspired by the fact that Realtors, and all those working in real estate from agents to large developers, could potentially use my services fully. Aside from the fact that I LOVE voicing real estate scripts (did I mention that already), I see a synergy in our businesses. I’m in love with the idea that solopreneurs can support each other and use each others services. Here are some areas where I can be of service to all those in real estate, but it applies to many other small business owners:

Video voiceover – for websites, listings, or any marketing video, adding a professional voice will make someone sound…professional.

Voicemail – if the business is well-qualified, but the voice is not, this is an inexpensive addition to enhance image.

Presentation Skills Coaching – if someone wants to be the presenter IN the listing video, or even voice their own voicemail, 2-3 coaching sessions can help take presentation skills to the next level.

Here are a of couple articles that illustrate if videos are a good idea… (Obviously, the answer is YES!)


  • Whether one wants to add a voice or not, there are so many marketing options, not the least of which is, a straightforward way to create quick video for business and personal!
  • Placester is a phenomenal resource. They call themselves a Real Estate Marketing Academy. The education looks fantastic.

So the true test was whether the video I had produced would aide in selling my home in a market that had loads of inventory. (It did sell, by the way, and we are happily now living in California.)

Regardless, my love for marketing and for voicing real estate scripts continues on…

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  1. voiceover2015

    What would be a good marketing technique to promote a voiceover addition to virtual real estate tours besides a voiceover demo. What are good selling points to include when writing a proposal?

    • natashamarchewka

      Wow! Great questions! My answer for promoting voice to add to real estate video is two-fold: research and relationship building. First, there must be some solid info, perhaps from differing industries, why adding a voice is beneficial. In fact, this is a great point beyond real estate. Why would silent, or music only videos, sell? A great idea for another blog. And, as for relationship building, I believe creating relationships with both video production companies and those paying for them, is paramount. As for good selling points, again, research…worthy of doing myself! Thanks for inspiration!!


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