Aim for good health

Aim for good health

I’ve spoken about how good health can positively affect your speaking voice. (Ten Top Tips for Talking) Admittedly, I am on again, off again, with the healthy eating plan I profess. My penchant for food – all food really – has had me fall “off the wagon” more than a few times.

For me, a diet free of dairy, wheat, and sugar, feels most healing and healthy. I am my best self when eating this way. Unfortunately, this eliminates such things as traditional pizza and pasta, bagels with cream cheese, mac and cheese – you know, the good stuff.

However, once I am on track, my immune system runs in top condition and I’m able to stave off illnesses. Hanging in there, without fail, is paramount to me to remain in top health for my jobs as voice-over professional and parent.

So, after six whole months of eating like I’m on vacation, and the season of colds and flu descending upon us, I am gearing up for some serious nutrition…prepping my fridge and freezer with healthy meals. I’m a huge fan of the gals at Prescribe Nutrition. Their resources have helped a lot! They are the real deal – the real good stuff.

Here is my fav smoothie recipe that is Prescribe Nutrition approved:

Blend a small handful of spinach and about a cup of water. Blend in a little lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of ground flax seed, 1 tablespoon of almond butter or other, 1 banana, 1 cup of frozen raspberries.

Here’s to our health!


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