Goals. Huh. What are they good for?

Goals. Huh. What are they good for?

A Goals File?

I have a “Goals” file – a paper one I’ve been moving with me across country seven times. (Maybe don’t tell my husband. Though, what he hangs onto … Oy!) I recently looked through my file for something I wanted to reference. Wouldn’t you know it?! I found it.

I’ve been a devout goal setter for decades. Looking back at the goals from a younger time, you’d wonder why we would even set them. Too lofty, too many, too much thinking? Perhaps. But, this is what I truly believe…

Not the Destination

I believe that setting goals is not about the destination, but the journey. That, if we set our best intentions to do what makes our heart sing, that our heart and mind will lead us to all good things.

As I aspired to good health, an artistic career, and a decent income, I paved a road for myself that ended up looking like the one I’m currently on. I may not have fulfilled every last goal, but I stayed on a path that was true to myself and my aspirations.

We never know what will evolve when we “put ourselves out there”, but we can trust that when we put out our best intentions to fulfill those goals, the stuff that is meant for us, comes to us and evolves.

You Actually Create Your Life

I am a big believer in the idea that we create our lives. We can only blame ourselves for our success and our failures. In fact, taking responsibility for ourselves is the very lesson in The Success Principles, a book I’m currently into by Jack Canfield. The idea of taking 100% responsibility for ourselves can feel uncomfortable, maybe even infuriating. And yet, this is the truth… that when we realize that we are solely responsible for ourselves, and the blame game stops, suddenly there is an unimaginable freedom and maturity that comes forth.

So, while the idea of setting goals may or may not be how you roll, know that any goal that you do set and work towards, will produce the life you are meant to live.


For Voice Actors Only: As it happens, I have developed a course on goal-setting for freelance voice-over actors. It is a great place to dig deep and think about where you are and where you want to go.  Currently the course is not running, but I hope to offer it again in the future!  Check it out here: Guided Goal-Setting to Maximize VO Business Growth.

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