the spirit of the entrepreneur

the spirit of the entrepreneur

It’s the beginning of June and I am hoping it’s safe to plant seeds for my container garden.  A haphazard gardener, I don’t follow every rule or plant exactly when I should. Too much sun, not enough sun, too much rain, not enough rain – all conditions that throw off my already improvised gardening. I’m not exacting, but conscientious.

Yet again, my business is a great analogy for so many things in life and nature, and my business development style is much like my gardening style: …planting a spectrum of seeds, nourishing them and protecting them with various conditions, resulting in an unknown outcome.

For someone generally very organized, it’s a little embarrassing to admit I garden and market my business in similar fashion – scattering seeds in an indiscriminate manner. Still, success prevails. Part of my philosophy? Diversification.

I suppose this, in essence, is the spirit of the entrepreneur. To plant many seeds and know that many will not come to fruition is not for the faint of heart. Still, I delight and revel in the seeds that do come to fruition.  It’s as if I really didn’t have a hand in the success – that after planting the seed, creating the conditions for success, one simply hopes for the best. What transpires is not up to me.

Video producers, radio producers, commercial production, TV affiliates, agents, the voice-over marketplaces, auditions … Canada, the US, the global market: various fields to sow – some fallow, some fertile, mostly offering up diverse surprises in all seasons of abundance and scarcity.

One thing is for sure, the more diverse my garden, the more interesting the harvest.

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  1. Lisette van Raadshooven

    Fabulous analogy! I love your creativity. Very enjoyable read.

  2. Mary Jane Copps

    This is so fun, Natasha. And it brings up lovely images in the mind of the reader. Growing up my parents and siblings would often refer to me by using a nursery rhyme – mostly because I was stubborn even then – “Mary Mary quite contrary how does your garden grow?” Makes me realize my stubborn persistence was a good thing and my garden grows very well, thank you!


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