Why Voicing your Explainer Video can make a Big Difference

Why Voicing your Explainer Video can make a Big Difference

Ways to Create a High-Converting Explainer Video

I am enamored with whiteboard animation videos. It’s amazing how something so simplistic in design, can hold our attention so well. After voicing several of these for clients, I have been looking around to have one created for my own business. Like voice-overs, creating a video can certainly come in at a lot of different price points and you always “get what you pay for”. From DIY to high-end videos that are thousands of dollars, these videos are worth the investment.

But who should be voicing your video? Jonathan Long of Entrepreneur talks about the use of voice-over in his blog “7 Keys to Producing a High-Converting ‘Explainer’ Video”:

“The voiceover artist you choose can make or break your video. An unpleasant voice can quickly destroy even the best script, so make sure you select a voiceover artist whose sound mesmerizes your audience members and doesn’t make them cringe. Otherwise, viewers will quickly click the “close” button.

There is a big difference between a fiverr voiceover gig and a professional voiceover artist. Don’t try to cut corners with voiceover talent — opt for the best.”

I couldn’t agree more with Jonathan, obviously, but I would like to make an exception to his rule…

If the story is in the first person and you have something unique about your story and the sound of your voice, learn to voice it yourself. What?? Yes…

One of my Presentation Skills Coaching clients, Debbie Adams at PeopleCan Business Apprenticeship, has this unique voice. Debbie is a trainer and entrepreneur, among other things, with an amazing story and a vocal inflection and accent that can only come from someone born in Newfoundland, Canada. Debbie’s upcoming video paints a picture of who she is in a personal, pithy way. To show her story on video and then have it voiced by someone else, wouldn’t make a lot of sense. The flavor of who she is, might be lost with another voice.

My recommendation? After creating a killer script with a strong call to action to marry to an engaging video, have a professional voice-over coach help you with your script, hire a professional studio with engineer, and create the magic. DO NOT record your voice-over without professional advice or support. This could undermine your investment.

And, if you are neither comfortable with voicing your script or know you would benefit from using a professional voice, absolutely, unequivocally hire the voice that best suits your project!  Leaving your video without a voice is a cake without icing!

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  1. Tracy Lindley

    Great points, Natasha, and I hope you’ll post the link to Debbie’s video once it’s completed–I’m dying to hear her unique voice now!

    • natashamarchewka

      Thanks, Tracy! I know it’s still a work-in-progress, even though she has shared it already. I would really like to hear her voice on it as it would pull it all together… 🙂


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