Reading a great post from fellow voice talent, Paul Strikwerda, led me to learn about World Voice Day. An annual...
Natasha Marchewka
Guest Post: Voicemail Styles
It is my pleasure to introduce to you my dear friend and mentor, Mary Jane Copps, otherwise known as The Phone...
Best posture for best voice
Whether for a speech or consistently better communication skills, good posture and breathing technique top my list for...
Working from home in Winter.
A Nova Scotia Winter My dear associates at CTV Northern Ontario are no stranger to the sights of what I’m seeing today...
Are you undermining your point?
Nonverbal Communication Whether it's a nervous laugh after each sentence, a quiet talker, or an overly confident...
Making a speech requires more
A Good Speaker Coach Sees a Bit More As a result of voicing scripts for ten years, my singing performance experience,...
Telling your story to sell yourself
Selling Yourself I always thought one of the very best questions to get to know anyone was “what’s your story?” Even...
Staying Calm to Stay in Best Voice
How I Create My Best Voice If my many years of life have taught me anything, it's that remaining calm is one of the...
How NOT to be “unwell” this winter
Continuing my occasional theme of aiming for good health, one of my Ten Top Tips for Talking, I'm always trying to...
Striving for excellence? Be specific. Be precise.
My job requires me to be very, very precise. Certainly not brain surgery, but recording voiceovers does require...
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