A lesson in relationship building

Guest Post and a lesson in business relationship building!

Kenny Dunkwu is a voice actor in the UK who has been a long-time follower of my blog posts. I enjoyed hearing from him throughout the years. He is one of the few talent who have continued to check in with me and I admire his tenacity with relationship building. When I did a recent call for voice over blog post writers, he responded with something that I think is a tremendous example of creative marketing… something we, as freelancers, need to be good at to shine amongst so much competition. Check out how he transformed a lead, into a client, and then into a source for ongoing clients!

Freelance and Marketing as a Voice Actor by Kenny Dunkwu

One of the very first aspects of being a freelance voice actor, is acknowledging that you’re a running a small business. Like any other entrepreneurial endeavor, it takes hard work, persistence, determination, and a bit of good old-fashioned luck. In today’s global market, freelance voice actors must also adapt to change. The pandemic for example, meant that more voice actors have had to shift from in-person sessions in a studio setting to remote working in home studios. This transition brings with it both actors having to familiarize themselves with the technological aspects of running a business, whilst ensuring that we all meet the audio quality required by clients. Marketing your services as a freelance voice actor now means that you have now have to consider balancing your marketing efforts between getting an agent, promoting yourself on the various online casting sites and email marketing with having a greater social media presence online.

Collaborating online with existing clients is a marketing strategy that I have recently adopted. One such example involved developing a short 30 second demo of who I am and what I do. My client who is a videographer, created a section on his website of collaborative partners that he draws on for various projects. This is yet another way that many other voice actors could market their services. Why this approach was so effective related to the fact that I had focused on building and nurturing a strong working relationship, whilst ‘checking-in’ to see how I could add value to his business. This then resulted in voicing numerous projects.

Being a Freelance Voice Actor requires a diverse range of skills, but marketing is a key component of being a voice actor. How you go about it, requires a strategy that takes into consideration an approach that not only uses the traditional methods, but also takes a desire to take calculated risks, that reflect your own ethos, values, and principles.

Create Relationships: Build, Nurture, Strengthen

Creating strong relationships with current, past, and potential clients is paramount to running a long-term, profitable voice-over business. Finding creative ways to stay top of mind and to stand out from the crowd is no easy task! As any real estate agent! If you are a freelancer of any kind, remember to continue to nurture your relationships with authenticity and a “service” mindset. It has certainly served me well.

Thank you, Kenny, for sharing your story and maintaining our relationship for what seems like might be a decade now!

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  1. Joshua Alexander

    I’m just gonna share something that JMC once shared with me, and that was counsel about conversations online. He said “Just remember not to be a dick to anyone.” Ha! I totally get it. Trolls are always bolder behind the keyboards. It is SO easy to be opinionated and arrogant behind the shield of your computer monitor, but these are real humans you’re talking to, just like you. Real humans who may someday bless you in unforeseen ways, or who YOU will have the opportunity to bless in unforeseen ways. Bridges, man. Build ’em; don’t burn ’em. This doesn’t just pertain to Facebook relationships; it doesn’t just apply to clients; it doesn’t just apply to friends or family. It applies to absolutely everyone. Kenny is right. We have to build those long-term relationships all the time, as best we can. Thanks for this great reminder, Natasha and Kenny.

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  2. Dave Johnston

    Good early morning from the Heartland of Iowa Natasha. This post is so timely and spot-on. When your passion for doing voiceovers blends in with building relationships based on service and quality it becomes a win-win for everyone involved, it becomes your driving force. It’s been said that “Most people will forget what we tell them but they will not forget how we made them feel! this is a powerful motivational statement that follows me. Our road of endeavors would be quite lonely without the inspiration of others,
    thanks again, Natasha and Kenny.

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