What Style of Voice-Over Should You Use in an Explainer Video?

Guest Post on Explainer Video Production by Andre Oentoro, the founder of Breadnbeyond, an award-winning explainer video company.

Small businesses rely on explainer video because they provide snackable visuals to break down subject matter. Along with it, a great voice-over is a necessity in explainer video production to enhance the storytelling.

In an explainer video production, a voice-over builds a specific mood and personality. This is why businesses tend to hire professional voice actors to effectively make their explainer video engaging to audiences.

Voice-Over In Explainer Video: Basic Skills Talent Should Hone

Explainer videos are great tools for storytelling and communicate brand value to potential customers. A voice-over plays a significant role in getting the story well-delivered. 

There are some basic skills you should be mindful of while lending a voice for an explainer video. These four skills are noteworthy:

  1. Tempo Management. Knowing your tempo is essential. The ideal pace for explainer video production is between 140-160 wpm. Speaking too fast can make the video sound too pushy while speaking too slow can be boring.  
  2. Crystal-clear Enunciation. A top-notch, high-quality video won’t do the trick with an unclear voice. Excellent enunciation, speaking clearly and distinctly, is of the utmost importance. It helps the explainer video build trust.
  3. Spot-on Emphasis. To match the visuals, it’s crucial to emphasize certain words and phrases. It helps the audience to glean key points so they can retain the message effectively. The product names, sentences with witty punches, sarcastic one-liners should be emphasized appropriately.
  4. Unique Character. Having a character is an advantage for every voice actor. In an explainer video, a voice-over with a unique personality can have a lasting impact on the audience. It’s a witty way to get the message and its meaning to stay top-of-mind.

Styles of Voice-Over in Explainer Video Production

Different forms of voice-over in explainer video offer different styles of storytelling. The style of a voice-over depends on the topic of the video and its target customers.

Some topics require a serious voice, while others need an easygoing, casual sound. For example, if an explainer video is crafted to attract a younger audience, you need a more expressive and energetic voice.

Here are the top three styles of voice over that are commonly used in explainer video production:

1. Authoritative Voices

An authoritative style narrates in a convincing, charismatic manner. It gives the explainer video a serious, respectful vibe – making the message appear plausible to the audience.

With each word carefully pronounced, this style of voice can deliver the core message, allowing the audience to feel the importance of the content. For explainer videos, this style is mostly used by formal companies to target their specific audience.

Quick Tips: Since the authoritative tone is usually associated with a deeper voice, a low-pitched or booming voice can be effective.

For an example of an outstanding authoritative voice, here’s an explainer video from The New Yorker:

2. Playful and Humorous Voices

A playful and humorous style of voice gives the explainer video a fun, enjoyable vibe. It also tends to be more expressive and carefree, bringing a human touch to the video.

It allows for informational and entertaining content at the same time. With a punch of humor, a playful voice is often used by startups to help them connect with their broader audience on a more personal level.

Quick Tips: As a savvy voice actor, you need to know where to draw the line. You don’t want to sound inappropriate and come across as trying too hard while delivering the humor. 

Great timing for exaggeration or sarcasm is important. 

Look how a humorous voice is used effectively in the Grumo Media explainer video below:

3. Conversational Voices

Conversational voice-overs are most engaging for audiences since it narrates the message in a laid-back, relaxed way.

A conversational style of voice requires a vocal delivery that includes a natural speaking voice. With a slower-pace and casual tone, it invites the audience to join you for easygoing communication.

Most companies choose this style of voice-over to emphasize the benefits of their product. Conversational voices present messages in a palatable, thought-provoking, easy-to-digest way.

Check out this excellent example of explainer video with a conversational voice from Silver Arrow Band:

Quick Tips: The pace should be reasonably quick to avoid boredom, but slow enough to avoid confusion.

Final Thoughts

Since an explainer video is all about illustrating hard-to-understand ideas in simple, engaging ways, the perfect voice style is crucial for getting your message across effectively.

The voice you add to an explainer video can be a “make or break” deal for the visuals. And remember, the voice you choose represents your company’s brand.


Andre Oentoro is the founder of Breadnbeyond, an award-winning explainer video company. He helps businesses increase conversion rates, close more sales, and get positive ROI from explainer videos (in that order). 

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  1. Danny C

    David Attenborough is indeed a great example of an authoritative voice, along with Morgan Freeman. Nice article!

    • admin

      Thank you!!

  2. hannah

    It’s fascinating to know how a voice can build a certain mood and give a video a personality

    • admin



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