Is Your Profile Pic Looking a Little Creepy?

Is Your Profile Pic Looking a Little Creepy?


There was a time, not so long ago, when a voice actor headshot was ironic, outrageous to some. Why would you include your picture, when it’s the audio that people need to hear? Why taint the listener’s opinion of your sound with your photo? How will they imagine your voice age, if they can see your face?!

Here’s the thing… while I agree that a listener does not need to see your face when selecting a voice for their next project, we are in an era of needing to present ourselves in the best light possible, using all the tools at our command. Without a photo, you are anonymous. Have you seen a LinkedIn profile with no profile picture?  It’s kinda creepy. (No picture on facebook? Yikes. Super creepy.)

So whether as your branding image or for use on all your professional social media profiles, a really good photo is needed!

To follow up on my post last week on headshots and profile pics, “Do You Look Influential, Capable, Likeable?!”, here is a quick checklist to use against your current photo. Next week, how to prepare for your photoshoot.


  • Is your photo looking as up-to-date as possible? Don’t use your best photo from your heyday, unless your heyday was last week or even last year.
  • Is your photo a little too spontaneous? A good balance of light-hearted AND professional, if you want to be taken seriously.
  • Does your business involve animals? Sorry, no pet’s allowed. Well, unless it’s REALLY well done…like an ad shoot… and it’s your brand… and you can fit more than you and your cat’s head…
  • Do you look like you’re trying too hard? If you do not know the answer, ask someone else to tell you.
  • Do you look like you’re at the DMV?  Personality is NEEDED! … and a smile!
  • Don’t include your spouse/partner in your photo! REALLY! NEVER!!!
  • And, SUPER, SUPER OBVS: Don’t use a picture from a night on the town. A picture’s worth a thousand words! Enough said.


  • Is the photo “framed” up and proportional? Is it a full body shot or a really small pic of your head? No good.
  • Are you wearing something representative of your someone in your industry? Could your look use some updating?
  • Is the lighting good? Is the photo perfectly focused and clear?
  • Is the “pose” a professional one?
  • Do you look friendly and approachable?
  • Does the photo REALLY look like you?
  • Does the photo portray your personality? Or, is there a little too much personality? Just sayin’…


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